Our Team

Megatech GNBD Dhaka

Thowhidul Abul Kalam (Ron)


Megatech GNBD Dhaka


“It is our deepest desire to a id in the development of Bangladesh and to see it rise to new heights of success in the modern world.”

Thank you for being withus.


Thowhidul Abul Kalam (Ron)

Megatech GNBDDhaka

It coms to me as a great honour to present before you a company with a long-standing legacy of achievements and quality. Instead of empty words of respect. Megatech GNBD Dhaka serves through the stalwart upholding of our ethics and responsibilities, and proactive decisive actions that lead to creating long-standing bonds with our clients.
But above all, we believe in serving our nation. It is our deepest desire to aid in the development of Bangladesh and to see it rise to new heights of success in the modern world By choosing not to compromise all that we stand for, we have proudly blazed trails in the development sector of Bangladesh for three decades, and with the support and blessings of our partners, clients and well-wishers, our horizons continue to expand further.
We thank you for taking an interest in us. It is our hope that our services meet your requirements, and that this crossing of our paths leads to something greater in the future.

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